God had Better Plans

Marsha & I both began attending New Minas Baptist Church for all the wrong reasons. Coming out of a very small church experience growing up, Marsha appreciated being part of a large congregation and having the ability to sort of 'fade into the crowd.' I, on the other hand, began attending NMBC with Marsha in order to gather 'evidence' as to why her faith was silly and unnecessary. Needless to say, God had better plans.

Every Sunday, Marsha and I would go to church together, and then enjoy coffee and conversation afterwards, where I would argue all of the pastor's points and explain why they were wrong. In one of our conversations, I told her "You're just going to have to accept that I'm never going to be a Christian." Marsha, steadfastly countered, "And you'll have to accept that I'll never stop praying for you to become a Christian." Weeks later, in the midst of our typical Sunday plans, God knocked me out of my socks. I guess you could call it a kind of "change of perspective." When our daughter, Alyssa, was born, my perspective radically shifted as I saw the world from the perspective of a parent – and that's the only thing I can use to describe what happened to me on Sunday, July 30th, 2000. God grabbed a hold of me, moved me, and changed the place I was looking at the world from. It was incredible and disturbing – I really didn't know how to feel about it – but I began seeing the world through new eyes. Pretty soon, I was eating up every theological book I could afford, and came to appreciate not only that God exists, but He loves us and is passionate about having a relationship with us. That's what the story of Jesus is all about!

I wasn't the only one experiencing a change, though. God used that event to speak to Marsha in a whole new way, radically changed her, and drawing her into a deeper relationship with Him. We've had God make his presence and love for us known in so many ways since then, as individuals and in our marriage, but none more precious than seeing Alyssa come to faith in Christ. Today, Alyssa is a leader in children's ministry at NMBC, and both Marsha and I are actively involved in ministries. We're also en-route to a degree in theology at the local seminary, and anxious to see where the Lord will lead us next! We know the story doesn't start or end with our family... God has so much more he can do in our lives and the lives of the people around us. We're just thankful we have to opportunity to see what He's going to do next!

Pete & Marsha Freckelton


Paul Fowler said...

I love hearing your story and of God's relentless pursuit of you!