God's Call Through Summer Ministry

I want to take this opportunity to share how I have been blessed by our church, specifically through the Summer Student Ministry Intern Position.

This past summer of 2008, for the third summer in a row, I have had the opportunity to serve on staff at the church with the Youth and Children’s Ministry, with Pastor Jon; and for the third summer in a row I have been SO thankful to be in that position.

Each summer at NMBC has been so much more than summer employment for me. By the end of the first summer serving at the church I came away very confused about why I was going to pursue becoming a French teacher because I had enjoyed my time with the church SO much.

Anticipating more great things, I applied for the position again and was thrilled to serve a second summer in a row. It was during that second summer that I realized God was calling me to ministry!! Truthfully, this changed my WHOLE drive in life, as I began to open myself to this on the Lord’s leading. During the second summer I transferred home, from the University of Ottawa to Acadia University, and with great effort I searched for places where I could continue to learn at NMBC, and experience what serving in a church would be like on a more regular basis.

I was fortunate to continue working closely with Pastor Jon throughout the school year while studying at Acadia. However, by the end of that Fall semester I could not return to a secular university and “hum-haw” my way through an undergraduate program thinking I MIGHT, ONE day, attend Seminary or something like it. I was finally certain that I needed to find another route that would allow me to grow in my relationship with the Lord WHILE I studied and pursued an education that would bring me to vocational ministry. So, I withdrew from Acadia and spent what would have been the “Winter Semester” still working with Pastor Jon, having some lengthy discussions with Godly men and women (most of which are members of NMBC), and seeking God’s next step for me. After a lot of a prayer, and searching, and listening, I applied to Atlantic Baptist University for the Fall of 2008.

Now, as I study at ABU, from my Communications courses to Religious Studies courses, I realize how much serving at NMBC has shaped and PREPARED me for an education at this university. I am able to appreciate the Christian community at ABU. I appreciate being challenged academically and spiritually!!

This past summer, my third summer at NMBC, my abilities to work with youth and children really developed. I was stretched and challenged in areas of evangelism, small group and bible studies, creativity, and leadership. Even through the more chaotic times, the disappointments, and the stressful moments, I am thankful that I could be challenged as I shared the gospel and learned more about trusting and growing in my relationship with Jesus.

The reason I am sharing all of this is because I believe that where I am today all points back to my first summer at NMBC. I want you to know how THANKFUL I am that NMBC chose to allow for that first Summer Student Ministry Intern Position, as well as the positions in the second summer, and the third summer! The first summer the Lord planted a seed for ministry in me and He has been faithful in nurturing it and growing it ever since.  I am a different person because of those three summers at NMBC. I have been deeply encouraged in my walk with Jesus and feel blessed to have been given the opportunity to encourage other youth and children in their relationship with Jesus too .

THANK YOU for investing in the life of a student, in me, through a summer job. THANK YOU for helping me to see more of God’s plan for me. It is my prayer that you, as a church, recognize the value of summer student positions and you will continue to make them available for students.I realize that in order for each of us to fulfill all that God has for us in this life, we need to CONTINUE to seek Him. But, I just want to share with all of you how much God has used this church in my life. The people and my experiences at NMBC have played a significant role to bring me to this point of my life, and God continues to bless me through this church as I walk with Him.

May we continue to seek HIM and bless HIM,

Laura Ells


Bryan Pat & Sean Morrison said...

Laura, you may be blessed but you are also a blessing to the church family. You give a lot of yourself & we all appreciate all you are & have.