A True Sense of Family

God has always been a part of my life and I don't remember a time when He wasn't very real and present; having said that I haven't always been close to Him as I should have been. I am very thankful that He works gradually and brings you to a certain point of understanding before asking you to take the next step and surrender the next part of life to Him. NMBC has been my church family for almost 50 years and there have been many members in that family during that time - today we said goodbye to one of the men of the church that helped to impact my growing up years - Rex Schofield. David and I spoke after the funeral today that he was the last of the men we grew up watching in the leadership of our church and we are now the older generation that will be watched. I pray God will give us the wisdom, patience and abilities to be the kind of generation that we had as examples.

God continues to work in my life daily and as I look back I can see His hand so clearly on the decisions and changes in my life recently. Leaving a secure job of 20 years with no idea what was next was scary and yet there was no doubt that it was God's will for me and look where He took me next - working at the Divinity College where our pastors and church ministry leaders are trained - a new ministry and the answer to a prayer for work in a Christian context.

My biological family has been a blessing and support to me all my life and so has my church family, I cannot imagine life without my Christian sisters and brothers at NMBC and praise God for the true sense of family and for the tremendous spiritual leadership I experience there.

Sheila Levy


Paul Fowler said...
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Paul Fowler said...

I really appreciated your reflection and would echo your thoughts on being faithful to the legacy that has been passed down to us!